Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Readers are Leaders

The ones who have been with us for a while know how we love to find new ways to make life for kids in single parent homes more "normal". Here is a new twist on an old model. At one time we asked to include a school supplies bin at a food bank; it went well and we expanded it to churches, schools, workplace, hair salons, and anywhere they would temporarily give us permission. After that we tried the same model with coats, food, paper, hygiene products, sock and underwear bundles, art supplies, clean/new toys etc. since it was well received and supported.
Now we are revisiting a exchange library program where especially schools in underfunded areas could just set a bookshelf aside with appropriate material that kids can pick from and make it their own. PTO's volunteered to stock and sort donated material like National Geographic, Popular Science/Mechanics, scholastic books, stickers, DVDs and games (especially chess boards!) It takes so little effort to make a big impact in the lives of children who often lack funds for transportation, internet, cable, rationed minutes on cell phones, and time to visit a library and potential late fees.
It's all for the asking. Make a request to your grass-roots community. If you need help, shoot us an email. Free books to the first three requests.
PS current magazines for women and crafts are always welcome as well.

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