Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hot dogs and concerts at Tagawa's

What a beautiful background for Mothers Day pictures.

Date: Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hot dogs, soft drinks and popcorn, prepared by and compliments of the Tagawa Family! Free concerts and our annual Buy One Get One FREE 10" potted hanging basket sale ( orange price tags only, while supples last, sale begins Fri May 10 at 9 AM  

Date: Sunday, May 12, 2013
Start Time: 2:00 pm End Time: 3:20 pm
A perennial Tagawa Favorite, featuring The heartfelt sound of Japanese Taiko Drums!

7711 S. Parker Road
Centennial, CO 80016

for you and your little yard buddy (Austin,TX)

May 4th @ 11am
(Come learn about all plants who love rocky dry soil)

May 4th - 1pm
(Monica Gaylord will be back with expert knowledge on keeping your orchids blooming)

May 11th @ 11am
(Raised bed gardening, its benefits and its downfalls)

May 11th @ 1pm 
unique composting ideas, including compost tea)

May 18th @ 11am
(Dozens of different unique maple varieties, come learn about them and their differences)
May 18th @ 1pm
hate the hassle of cleaning your backyard pond? Come learn great time saving techniques)

May 25th @ 11am
(Come learn from the experts at Austin Pond Society, also selling pond tour tickets)

May 25th @ 1pm
(Who needs a lawn in Texas? No one is our opinion, all there is to know about xeriscaping your yard)

Emerald Garden (SW Austin)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Network after Work opportunity

I wanted to take a moment to inform you about the upcoming Network After Work event on Thursday May 2nd at Chloe Mezze Courtyard (1445 Market St.) from 6-9pm. Network After Work hosts events in 33 locations for professionals of all industries and career levels. Events are great for expanding your professional network and creating new business opportunities. To help facilitate networking and navigation of the event, you will receive a name badge color coded by industry.

To RSVP please visit:

Admission Includes:
1. Access to 300+ Professionals
2. Color Coded Name Badge
3. Featured Cocktails from 6-7pm
4. Light Appetizers from 6-7pm

Tickets: $10 in advance / $15 w/RSVP at the door / $20 w/out RSVP

Single parent Seminar -free-

Guide My Family: Lessons in Sustainability
the ability to be sustained, supported, upheld, or confirmed

Communication and the 5 Attitudes of Slow Parenting
Guest Authors: Molly Wingate and Marti Woodward
Financial Education
Patrick Janssen
High Conflict, Co-Parenting, & Parallel Parenting Education
Kim Langelaar

WHEN: Saturday, April 27

TIME: 9:00 – 1:00PM with Free Lunch

COST: Free – Reservations Required

WHERE: Smoky Hill Vineyard
20050 East Smoky Hill Road
Aurora CO 80015

CHILDCARE: Free Childcare Provided

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

low cost DENTAL (military discounts)


Concord Career College
111 North Havana
Aurora, Colorado 80010

Call 720-222-2094

Sunday, April 7, 2013

quote of the week

let's accept ______ (fill in the blank) gay people until we find a cure.
PS sometimes, when we get mature enough, we learn to love all people.

section 8

We have been very diligent to network with Apartments that are located close to public transportation for space available for our moms in transition. If we cant get it we have plan B below:
if that option is a dead end, please email us.

food banks

you no longer have to live on one can of chicken noodle soup per day shared between the three of you for 2 months to save for a quart of milk or a bottle of Benadryl for your kid that is dying of bronchitis and mal-nutrition while your church looks down on you like a harlot.
Not bitter, just wiser and unafraid to call it what it is!

Homework Help & tutoring at Aurora Central Library

AYO is offering homework help and tutoring every Thursday at Aurora Central Library
14949 E Alameda PKWY
Aurora CO 80012

The program runs from4-6 pm

This is a safe place after school so come in, grab a snack, a drink and work with other youth. Sometimes having a drifferent place to do your homework helps.
For more information call Elise Zakroff at 303-617-2660 or

network, network, network......job fair,+CO&gclid=CM_-uZPOubYCFQexnQodXAwAhQ

Job Searching Basics

Central Library
Wednesday, Apr. 24, 2:30 pm

Use a computer to find and apply for jobs. Learn to prepare a resume and get interview tips. . Ability to use a mouse and navigate the internet is required. Ages 13 & up. Registration required. Call 303-739-6630 to register. Registration begins one month in advance of the class date.

Parker, CO O’Brien Pool Passes

Discounted H2O’Brien Pool Passes Available through April

Now through April 30, discounted Single passes are $60/resident and $65/non-resident and Couples passes are $120/resident and $130/non-resident. Families of three are $150/resident and $160/non-resident and families of four are $175/resident and $185/non-resident. Each additional family member is $25. Annual and six-month membership holders of Parker Recreation Center and Fieldhouse may purchase an add-on pool pass at a discounted rate.

Season passes are good for unlimited admission all summer and may be purchased at the Recreation Center, 17301 Lincoln Ave., or at the Fieldhouse, 18700 E. Plaza Drive. H2O’Brien Pool opens for the 2013 season on May 25 and will be open through Labor Day. Ask the front desk staff at any Parker Parks and Recreation facility for information on purchasing season passes, call 303.841.4500 or go online to

We have 2 free passes for qualified families. Pls email us at callmom4resources at

Car Shows - seasonal favorite for the family

mark your calendars

05/05, 2012 - 2013 Tour De Classics Cary Motorcycle Show

Denver, Colorado
Location: 2300 S St. Paul St.
Contact Phone: 303-267-5221

05/25 - 05/27, 2013 - Pikes Peak Thunder

Calhan, Colorado
Location: El Paso County Fairgrounds
Contact Phone: 719-428-9025

05/26, 2012 - Proof A Palooza Car Bike Show

Denver, Colorado
Location: The Fresh Fish Company & Proof NiteClub 7800 E Hampden Ave
Contact Phone: 303-740-9556

"10th Annual Cruise Nights Extravaganza #1"
Where: South Tower Road & East Hampden
When: May 24th, 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Admission: Free for all!

Description: One of the largest Colorado Friday night cruise events you can attend. Music provided by DJ "Cruisin' Dave", trivia contest, super prizes and cruisin' action you won't believe until you see it in person.

"Rocky Mountain La-La-Palooza Show and Shine Cruise In"
Where: Northeast Corner of 120th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard - Broomfield, CO
When: May 26th, 10:00am - 2:00pm

Admission: Free for all!

Description: Bring the entire family for the Memorial Weekend Super Show! Private roped-off parking for over 200 Cars! Free dash plaques for the 1st 100 vehicles entered. Trivia Speed Round Contests. Music provided by Rock 'N Roll DJ, Cruisin' Dave! Great Prizes.

we are family (we share, we support)

My ex was intimidated with "blood is thicker than water" when it came to condoning mean and cruel actions against the vulnerable by him and his family. He was so fixed on it that he never got to "money is thicker than blood" and, how we, at CALL MOM believe: "truth is thicker than money".
The requests we get here are random, however, more and more they have been relationship focused. You can switch social media sites, but wherever you go, there you are and the verbal smoke and mirrors of your presentation to create a desirable persona crumbles when put to a test in real life.
We are not counselors, we are moms who share and support with the wisdom we earned when going through the valley (of the shadow of death..literally). We survived, arrived, and thrived to encourage you in similar circumstances.
We are family.
If you are honest, we'll do everything we can to lend you a hand. We have hundreds of success stories. You can be one of them.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Half Price Books Giveaway (Childrens Books)

 Check your local area for locations.

Thursday, April 11

10 am

Half Price Books

2601 S. I-35 STE. E300

Round Rock, TX 78664