Thursday, January 7, 2016

free epiphany

noun revelation
flash, insight, inspiration, oracle, realization, vision, sign, surprise, bombshell, discovery, lightning bolt, shocker.
A young woman in our group mentioned that she just had an "epiphany". I remember "Epiphany" as a religious tradition to reflect on the magi who followed a star to worship the new king. They traveled in a caravan, they were wise, wealthy, and notable. Their gifts were equally stellar, fit for the king of kings. (short, simple version of Matt 2:1-12) I can only imagine that after they left Herod's castle and ended up at a more humble destination that was not exactly what they expected... became the day we now call epiphany.
We know the rest of the story.
What is your epiphany this year? Where do you need a epiphany?
We are always available to guide you to a topic. : )

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