Monday, October 13, 2014

mom to mom networking *free event*

Last month we had over 20 moms and over 20 kiddos at our 3rd Thursday night get-together.
Our topic, "If the Shoe Fits" generated a lot of great discussion at our tables - we plan to have more nights where we can explore the ins and outs of our single mom lives. 
We have another great night planned for you!
Come join us next Thursday for a meal at 6:00 pm.
After dinner you can browse through Treasure Night, a type of mini garage sale. Bring things you no longer want or need and look for treasures you can take home with you.
Around 7:00 pm we will be joining the
"Essentials Workshop: "Mirror, Mirror."
We look into the mirror to see how we  look, what to fix, and how others see us. But what if you discovered that the mirror can lie to you? What if you are more than the reflection you see?
Hope to see you there!
For more information contact Carrie at

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