Tuesday, September 9, 2014

SE Church in S Denver-networking

Beginning in September, we will be getting together on the
3rd Thursdays instead of the 2nd Thursdays of every month,
and we will be moving to Room 255 (just down the hall from 257).
JOIN US Sept. 18th at 6:00 p.m. in Room 255  
for dinner with your kiddos.Yay - no meal planning that night!
Treasure Night is back, so get those items that you no longer want or use - gently used clothing and shoes; household items, toys, books, etc...nothing broken please. You do not need to bring treasures to take treasures and you don't have to take items back home with you.
There will be FREE childcare offered after dinner while you get a break and are able to enjoy some connection time with some other amazing moms - we have a great night planned for you!

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