Tuesday, August 27, 2013

you MUST network

I wanted to take a moment to inform you about the upcoming Network After Work event on Wednesday September 12th at The Tavern Downtown (1949 Market St.) from 6-9pm. Network After Work hosts events in 40 locations for professionals of all industries and career levels. Events are great for expanding your professional network and creating new business opportunities. To help facilitate networking and navigation of the event, you will receive a name badge color coded by industry.

To RSVP please visit:

Admission Includes:
1. Access to 300+ Professionals
2. Color Coded Name Badge
3. Featured Cocktails from 6-7pm
4. Light Appetizers from 6-7pm

Tickets: $10 in advance / $15 w/RSVP at the door / $20 w/out RSVP

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