Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Delores Project

We have this shelter on the top of our list each year

please contact Paige at or 303-534-5411 ext 104

Please consider donating
2 piece pajama sets in sizes of Medium through 3XX
Women’s slippers in sizes 8 through 11

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care… for special outreach to those forgotten women

v Gift Cards
v Travel Mugs
v Perfume
v Jewelry
v Stationary Sets
v Manicure Sets
v Sewing Kits
v Re-usable Water Bottles
v Hats, Gloves & Scarves Sets
v Mary Kay, Avon, etc.
v Pocket Planners

on an ongoing basis we need:
2.Women’s Underwear – all sizes
3.Plastic/waterproof pillow covers (standard size)
4.Laundry detergent

8.Foot care products such as powder, odor eaters, pumice stones, etc.
9.Travel tissue
10.Dixie Cups
11.Ziplock bags

12.Aluminum foil
13.Hair brushes
14.Sweaters & fleeces
15.Winter Coats, Hats, Gloves & Scarves
16.Winter Boots/Shoes

17.Pajamas/Sleep Shirts
18.Liquid dish soap
19.Liquid hand soap

The "Delores" Story:
The Delores Project is named for Delores Big Boy, a Lakota woman who frequently lived on the streets of Denver. Her situation was complicated by health, developmental and substance abuse issues, as well as physical and sexual violence.
Although Delores sought aid from various Denver agencies, sadly, she fell through the cracks in the system. Delores died while living on the streets June 8, 1999. In forming the shelter in 2000, we chose to honor her memory so that we could always continue our work with a commitment to ensuring safe shelter for every woman and support for those in transition.

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