Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Mothers Day! Great Job!!!

Yes ladies, let's reflect a little.
We all have fond memories we treasure in our hearts about the special love we have for our children - forever... unconditional, self sacrificing, to the depth only a mother and God can understand.
When I was thinking about inspirational mothers days in the past I had this OMG moment. On Mothers Day every mother was assured a carnation if she went to church. That's the only flower and recognition we would get all year. Then, some of the rich, progressive churches would honor mothers for specialties like, the oldest mother, the mother with the most children, the mother who traveled the longest distance, with a cute little gift basket or a gift certificate to a restaurant. Wasn't that sweet?
If Jesus were in the church, what would HE do?
He would have a  Red Lobster certificate for the mom that could not afford to take her kids for a Happy Meal once every three months
He would have 2 Jiffy lube certificates for the mom that was topping off the oil in her car for the past 2 years
He would have a math tutor certificate for a mom with a child that had learning problems
He would have a bowling and pizza party certificate for a youngster that needed to be celebrated
He would have a certificate for a kid to go to camp
He would provide a loving, role model couple to mentor a single-mom family for a year
He would have a soccer, baseball scholarship and uniforms/shoes for a child that wanted to play sports
He would give every single mother a $50.00 Home Depot/Lowe's certificate
He would have a before/after school  care certificate for a latchkey child
He would have a certificate for Driving School for a teenager

Mothers Day is about being a mother - that's what we do. Wishing for you to get a break.


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