Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our 2011 Summary

I love that word. It used to drive people crazy when I wanted to “summarize” after a meeting to be sure everyone heard what was said and we all were on the same page.

Let's summarize...

I could bullet a top ten list, but everything always comes down to time and money. This site was created for a quick, practical reference guide for moms who had to use the library computer or come home to their second job and did not have time to reinvent the wheel to meet their situation or the money to bridge a gap.

Growing pains for us is a joyful experience because it indicates that we are connecting with more single mom families.

We evolved in some areas like the School Supply Drive that started with loaded Back Packs for a few moms to boxes of School Supplies donated to Food Banks, to donors giving directly to Schools.

Many of our resources here on CALL MOM are now common knowledge (like Farmers Market, Coat Drive, Thanksgiving/Christmas boxes etc.) are passed on verbally to the sisterhood, while “boutique” blogs and vital information are up 24/7/365. You are still welcome to shoot us an email or call when you need to be talked off a ledge. We are here for you. We hear you.

This freed us up for expansion in other areas like helping charitable individuals to start food banks, thrift stores, swap meets, and mentoring in any given area in the US to interconnect with the general public of single moms. We have a big vision. We have a lavish God.

We had a proud moment when we were nominated and received the honor of being included in Stanford's who's who for 2011/2012.

I want to close with a KISS (Keep it simple Sister)no big survey, just the standard question on how we can better serve you and you sharing information that can raise the quality for all single mom families. Military Moms, you are not forgotten.

Words of encouragement and a challenge to our partners for 2012 from Theodore Roosevelt:

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to remain with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.’

We have too much to do to sit on the sidelines. We need you to step out of the gray twilight into the bright sunshine so that we can all see the dawn of a new day.”




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