Monday, September 6, 2010

Nip it in the bud, don't wait for a crisis

Since school started we had several calls about inappropriate behavior. We do not counsel but listen mom to mom as a non partial third party.
Has your child complained about kids not wanting to play with him/her, being mean, being pushed around or picked on? Deliberate “aggression is usually imitated from a parent, sibling or friend” says Henry S. PhD.”a child bullies (not to be confused with conflict) because it makes him feel good to see signs of injury, fear, or misery in his victim”. Are you dealing with a bully or a victim?
Signs to watch for:
verbal (name calling, put downs, taunts) insulting, shaming, accusing
relational (rumors, social rejection, exclusion) lack of empathy, manipulating others to join
physical (pushing, kicking, punching)
sneakiness or secretive behavior. A bully knows that what he/she is doing is not right and acts covertly.

Help your bully now to avoid problematic relationships that will plague him/her throughout life.
We can refer.

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