Wednesday, August 19, 2009

unhealthy life styles, toxic partners

Every week I sit through a 12 step meeting with women who tried to love their partners, siblings, parents, kids back to sanity... it is heartwrenching to a point of experiencing the reality of hell in all its fury while the user is only concerned about perfecting his pseudo image.

Did you have enough of the pain, shame, and abuse? Run! Get help. Don't waste another minute.

Mental Health Bi-polar DisorderDepressionDual DiagnosisADD ADHDAbuse and TraumaAnxiety and PanicObsessive CompulsiveCounseling and TherapyMental Health AssociationsMental Health Resources

Eating and Food Disorders Eating Disorders TreatmentEating Disorders Resources

Drugs of Abuse Cocaine/CrackCrystal MethAlcoholMarijuanaHeroin/OxycontinMethadoneSuboxone

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