Thursday, May 26, 2011

Michelle Obama's advice for women

"Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts ... good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don't hurt. They're not painful. That's not just with somebody you want to marry, but it's with the friends that you choose. It's with the people you surround yourselves with. And that's just as important as the school that you choose. Who's in your life, and do you respect them, and do they respect you? And are you respecting them. Right?

"And we as women in particular—and this is such an important message—starting today, you all have to be supportive of each other. You can't be jealous, and push and trip, you know? It's hard enough."

Rebecca Kaplan, May 26th, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

hot subject - on Mr Right - always right

Stretch your PTO with VBS

Many of the moms are breathing a sigh of relief that school is out and the kids can connect with relatives for a while to allow mom and kiddos to recharge. Some of them are not so lucky. Some moms take their vacation time, if  it has not been depleted with time off for sick kids, and if a senior employee, or a manager will authorize it. The lack of finances are always an issue no matter how creative you get.

I heard a lot about VBS - every church is advertising it on a banner in their parking lot. I used to think, nothing is free, they try to convert my kids, oblige me to join their church, want me to volunteer, when it's me that needs a break.....

Actually, you don't have to be a member of the Church to enroll your kids. They provide a  week long camp like environment with lots of fun and games provided by people who love kids. Ages typically range from 4 yrs to 5th grade. There are no intrusive questionnaires. VBS is free. If they do charge a nominal material fee, it can be worked out.

We allow you to give yourself a break (LOL) You, and the kids, will be glad you checked it out.

P.S. You may also check with the YMCA and discuss your financial situation. They will work with you as well.

Monday, May 23, 2011

book offer








Friday, May 20, 2011

check your Moral DNA

The test is free, as accurate as you are honest, and a great tool for self-awareness.

Have you ever "crazy bowled"?

You can register up to 6 kids at and receive coupons via email for 2 free games of bowling every day, all summer, per kid. shoe rental is @ $4.00.

Summer Concerts are back. Whoooooohooo

Aurora’s FREE Summer Concert Series, Thursday evenings, 6:30 to 8 p.m.

June 16
Dean Bushnell Orchestra – Big Band Swing
Bicentennial Park

June 23
Papa Juke – Blues, Soul, Rock
Bicentennial Park

June 30
Queen City Jazz Band – Dixieland Jazz
Del Mar Park

July 7
Deja Blu – Variety/Classic Rock
Red-tailed Hawk Park

July 14
17th Avenue Allstars – ‘50s Rock and Roll Show
Utah Park

July 21
The Modniks – Hits of the ‘60s
Utah Park

July 28
Buckstein – Country Rock
Meadowood Park

Aug. 4
Pan Jumbies - Calypso/Caribbean
Meadowood Park

Park Locations:
Bicentennial Park – Alameda and Potomac. Enter the parking lot from East Alameda Avenue.
Del Mar Park – 6th and Peoria
Meadowood Park – Dartmouth and Laredo
Red-tailed Hawk Park – East Hinsdale Way and South Aurora Parkway
Utah Park – Peoria and Mexico

if you have "stuff", we have the kids.

  • 2-3 three tierd utility carts. If you can donate, that would be our preference.
  • we are subsidizing coupons for kids that can not afford a book from the annual book fair.
  • we need books for ages 9-12
  • we need dress pants and polo shirts for kids of all sizes
  • we are still in need of school supplies
Any help is greatly appreciated.

for kids in Parker

Parker Family Fun Fest
Saturday, May 21st at O'Brien Park! This FREE event will promote healthy lifestyles and wellness education in a fun and interactive way. This event is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will feature interactive entertainment for the entire family!  Get your activity passport filled and be eligible to win a number of great prizes!

Parent's Night Out
Leave your little ones, ages 6 to 13, with our talented staff at the Parker Fieldhouse, 18700 E. Plaza Dr., and enjoy your night, kid-free!  May 21 from 6 to 11 p.m.
Fieldhouse staff will have plenty of games and activities, crafts, movies, climbing and skating (bring your own skates) to keep your kids busy. Pre-Register  at 303.805.6300. Pre-registration is $15  sibling and group discounts available

Kidz Kulture! Returns to the Mainstreet Center Stage Thursday June 9th - Sunday June 12th
At each Kidz Kulture! presentation, there will be a live stage performance, plus a hands-on art project brought to you by the Parker Artist's Guild. Kidz Kulture is a free event, but reservations are required. To reserve your space, call Bill at 303.805.3263.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Honor your mother

During the past few days I had many conversations with moms in a relaxed social setting. Having lost my mother at an early age I was saddened by "entitlement" comments from adult children who are doing well.
I hope for grace and maturity that the following will mend some gaps.

honor is a wide-ranging verb; no one specific behavior is commanded. It is open-ended.
The commandment to honor our parents is not based upon what our parents deserve, but rather on God's direct command: “Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God commanded
you. . .” (Deuteronomy)

Maimonides: “It is possible for a man to honor and revere and obey those whom he does not love.”

On a first level, "'Honor' speaks to filial behavior, not to filial judgment or sentiment”  (Broken Tablets)

In such a situation, honor can still involve positive acts to help them, improve their lives, to the degree we are able. Revere/fear can still involve not interfering with the esteem due them from others.

Honor may also involve forgiveness.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Linguini and white clam sauce/easy

Therese Spina is not only italian and knows how to cook, she is also an artist with James Avery and her food presentations are works of art. "Buon pasto"

Serves 4-6

•3 Tbsp olive oil

•3 Tbsp butter

•3 cloves garlic minced

•1 10 oz. can baby clams

•splash white wine (optional)

•3Tbsp flat Italian parsley minced

•1/2 tsp fresh ground black pepper

•1 lb. linguini, freshly cooked

Grated parmigiano or romano to garnish

Heat butter and olive oil in large skillet over medium high heat
Add garlic and stir constantly, cook til fragrant
Add wine to deglaze, stir
Add clams, parsley and pepper
Simmer for 5 minutes, salt to taste

Toss with hot cooked pasta and sprinkle with grated cheese

A nice green salad and crusty Italian bread and you've got a quick meal!

This is also great when substituting shrimp for clams!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hang ten!

you go girl!

Best Dental values

Building 514 on Fitzsimons Campus
1958 Tucson Way, Aurora CO 80010

Evaluation and treatment of children with dental problems including surgery.

Children 15 months – 13 years, handicapped up to 19 years

All major health insurance plans accepted, including Medicaid

Special payment arrangements made for children without health insurance

$80 deposit due at time of appointment

Emergencies and scheduled appointments available

No residency requirement

Teeth cleaning, cavity prevention, fillings, gum disease treatment

Injuries to the mouth and teeth, growth or developmental problems

Hours: M – F, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (fall, winter and spring hours) and M-Th, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Fridays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (summer hours)

495 S. Federal Blvd., Denver, CO 80219
2295 S. Chambers, Aurora, CO (303) 751-6511 Dental Program

Children ages birth to 20 years

Medicaid and CHP accepted

Most other major insurance accepted

Patients with NO INSURANCE we offer Medicaid Fees if paid on same day at service provided

Emergencies seen on same day


Coordinates service of volunteer and paid dentists to provide preventive and routine dental care for youth living in the metro Denver area.

Low-income children ages birth to 18 years

Accept Medicaid and CHP+

Must not have private dental insurance. Must be approved as eligible. Proof of income required

Fees $20 co-pay plus 20% of normal fee for treatment, per visit

For applications and appointments contact the Administrative Offices

National Coalition against Domestic Violence - (800) 773-4227

Takes 9 weeks to process after application submitted

3, 2, 1...Blast Off!

June 11, 2011 - September 6, 2011
This summer, the Children's Museum of Denver will go where few have gone before. Their mission is to teach children the principles of flight and the fundamentals of rocket science. 3, 2, 1…Blast Off! will be an interactive science exhibit for all curious minds. Children can explore the elements of aerodynamics, physics, technology and engineering by building, launching and testing their own rockets, planes, hovercrafts and other flying devices.

Main:(303) 433-7444
Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm, Wednesday 9:00am-7:30pm, Saturday and Sunday 10:00am-5:00pm

Capitol Hill People's Fair

June 4, 2011 - June 5, 2011
Capitol Hill People's Fair is a great weekend of entertainment with events, activities and attractions suitable for all the entire family. As one of the leading arts and crafts events in the region, visitors have the opportunity to buy all manner of wonderful creations from homemade cakes and jams to individually designed jewelry or one-off paintings. There's also a full entertainment program which includes live music, street theatre, children's acts and other attractions.

Let's go cruisin

When: May 7th, 2:00pm - 6:00pm

Admission: Free for all!

Description: A Spectacular Day of Cruisin' action for the whole family to enjoy! Music provided by DJ "Cruisin' Dave" from Cruisin' Productions Inc. Prizes, Great Food, Cruisin' Dave Trivia Speed Round Contest and loads of fun for everyone! Cruise on by!

Thank you!!!!

A heartfelt thanks to the churches and youth groups who gifted and blessed moms with service for
 "mothers night out".

Happy Mothers Day

not today - intentionally
 It's a day to be special and honored
wear your crown (of value) today
walk with your head up in grace and dignity
and do what you always do to survive...
laugh at your situation and disarm it
you are royalty!

Hugs, Mom

"When God leads you to the edgo of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go, only 1 of 2 things will happen, either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly!" 

on single parenting

Robert D. Jones, M.Div., D.Min.
Single parenting is a very hard job, so you certainly need clear guidance. And the Bible does speak to you from cover to cover. “Good,” you reply. “I’ve been looking for some help. Give me some verses aimed at single parents that tell us what to do with our kids.”
Sorry. The Bible doesn’t always answer questions in the way we ask them, or give us truth in the categories or format we want. There are no “ten commandments” in Scripture that exclusively address single parents.
What should we make of the absence of biblical commands specifically for single parents? Let’s begin with a more fundamental question: Were there any single parents in the Old and New Testament faith communities? Surely, yes. Then why were they excluded from biblical counsel on how to parent? The answer: They were not excluded. When God spoke to his people, he spoke to married parents and single parents without distinction. In other words, the general commands given to all parents pertain to you. Single parents are not a special subcategory.
What are God’s directives to parents? Christian authors summarize biblical parenting duties in various ways, but most include the following:
• Provide physical and emotional care
• Provide verbal instruction
• Provide physical discipline
• Model dependency on Christ that grows into his likeness
• Pray for and with your children
You will not be able to give as much time, energy, skill, and creativity to these five tasks as two parents could. But God does not expect double effort from you. You cannot do, and must not try to do, the work of two adults. But what you should do, in dependence on God, should include these five ministries toward your kids.
Further, while you may receive help from others—your parents, friends, church family, and so forth—you remain the God-appointed parent of your children. Do not concede to others this authority, responsibility, and opportunity. There is no biblical doctrine of “grandmother’s rights.” In God’s providence you, not your mother, are parenting the children God has entrusted to you.
Pay Attention to Your Children’s Response to Your Single Parenthood
It is wise to monitor how single parenting affects not just you, but your children as well. In whatever way you became a single parent, in the same way your children have lost a parent. You are not the only one needing help to respond and adjust wisely. Your child’s other parent has died (if you were widowed), or has left the home (if you were divorced), or may be unknown to your child (if you have not revealed the biological parent’s identity). Do you know how your children are handling the event that left them with just one residential parent?
Here you must reject a pair of lies. First, do not lose sight of your child’s responsibility to love, trust, and obey God despite unpleasant circumstances. A broken home does not excuse unbelief, rebellion, ingratitude, or idolatry. Teenage rebellion is, at the end of the day, rebellion. And rebellion is sin, to be compassionately but wisely confronted.
Second, reject hopeless notions that “doom” your children to future problems simply because they lack two married parents, or because of the negative influence their other parent may exert. Your children are not “victims” or “products of broken homes.” They are people—people in God’s image—who can know Jesus, follow Jesus, and live meaningful lives that please him. Along with my own testimony, I can name several other godly men and women who grew up with only one parent.
Consider Timothy in the New Testament. We meet him in Acts 16:1 where we learn that his mother was a believer in Christ, but his father apparently was not. What future did this hold for this young man? Listen to his spiritual “father,” the apostle Paul, describe what God brought about despite a non-Christian dad:
• “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also” (2 Timothy 1:5).
• “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:14–15).
God used a godly mother, a godly grandmother, and a godly mentor to teach and model the gospel for Timothy. He can use similar influences in your child’s life, confirming the apostle’s encouraging promise in 1 Corinthians 7:14: “For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.”
What steps might you take as a single parent when your ex-spouse exerts a negative influence on your kids?
• Entrust your child to God. Remember that God owns your child. You are a steward, not the owner. Humbly ask God to work directly in your son or daughter’s life, and to use other means of grace to save, protect, and strengthen him.
• Appeal directly to your ex-spouse to change, restrain, or curb offensive behavior, out of love for your children. If that fails, pursue other recourses of appeal or accountability. This might include provisions in your shared parenting agreements for counseling or mediation, or enlisting the help of friends or extended family. In severe cases you may need to contact the police or child protective services.
• Continue to model and teach the gospel to your children, reflecting Christ-likeness that will contrast and counteract in refreshing ways the unbeliever’s lifestyle. Ask God to help you walk according to the Holy Spirit—to demonstrate the Spirit’s fruit and make Jesus attractive to your children as they face their own forks in the road. In some cases you may need to caution and advise your children before or after they spend time with their other parent: “Daddy may do some things differently than I do. I do what I do because I am trying to follow Jesus. Your dad at this point is not seeking to follow Jesus. Respect your dad, love your dad, and pray for your dad. This is how you should handle it if he…”
• Remind your children that each of them must also decide if they will follow Jesus. They cannot blame any parent, or anyone else, for unbiblical modeling.
• Invite one of your pastors or elders to sit down with you and your children to give them a biblical perspective on what happened in your marriage, how God looks at you and your ex, and how God wants the children to treat each parent as they shuttle between two houses. This is especially vital if your children are being given a sinfully biased perspective on these matters.
In the midst of this, God has given you a practical opportunity to teach your children about his sovereignty, wisdom, and goodness. You cannot resolve all the problems your children might face, but you can convey a rich, big picture of God and his ways. Connect them to the God of all hope, the Romans 8:28–29 God who brings hope and purpose to your life and theirs.
Originally posted October 29, 2008.


Excerpted from the booklet, Single Parents Copyright (c) 2008 Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation. Used with permission of New Growth Press.
Robert D. Jones, M.Div., D.Min., is an assistant professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and an adjunct professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was written counseling articles, the booklets, Angry at God?, Forgiveness, Bad Memories, and After Adultery, and the book Uprooting Anger.