Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Are you missing a turkey?

Food Banks have been gearing up for Thanksgiving. In case your missed signing up, you still can call and have a family Thanksgiving meal.
( or leave a message at 303-841-3460) 

A volunteer took a call from a former mom to help deliver turkeys. She used to go in with several other single mom families from work to buy a ham that came with a free turkey. Ham $12 divided between 4 families ($3 each), Turkey free, divided between 4 families. Four families ate traditional meals for $3 and leftovers. That's community.

Turkey bones can be boiled in gallon stockpot with celery (the parts you normally throw away), onion, carrots, garlic, pepper... drain, debone, refrigerate. Skim off fat and use stock in soups and stews. Bone soup is very healthy and tasty.

Ham bone, same as above. throw in a handful of lentils (99c a bag or free from food bank) or beans, or split peas with potatoes and some carrots and serve with some crusty french bread or corn bread.

There There.... it is already getting better.
We love you!

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