Child support is a financial responsibility and consequence to balance the economic loss and added expense to the children when one party choses the "easy" way out.
Many of the calls we get here are relevant to poverty, specifically child support. Selective ignorance, arrogance, justifying, and cruelty bewilder me regardless of the educational level the "expert" claims to have.
Most recent, common text: " I give her* (wife with 5 children between 6 and 16) what I can. She can't possibly spend $300 on clothes and food for the kids every month." Responses from other "expert" critics chiming in without lifting a finger are equally insulting.
Nobody goes into a marriage, has 5 children, anticipating a consequence of being thrown to the curb along with the children, when "Mr. Wonderful" abdicates to have his ego and wallet stroked with shallow entertainment and a life of no consequence. His dating budget and time has to come from somewhere....
This is a touchy subject with me. (as you can tell) Rustling with a pig was never my style.
The gov link below illuminates the facts on child support, while all self-righteous people can continue to justify away.
*as pertaining to this particular, but common incident.
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