Sunday, June 9, 2013

casual, fun networking event for the entire family

Hey Group! Since it's finally Summer, The Single Parents ministry is excited to host a BBQ for you and your kiddos on SATURDAY, JUNE 22nd, at 4 pm.
The event will take place at Tamara Gaffney's home:
The Address is: 5023 Uravan Court, Aurora, CO 80015.

We will supply the main course and drinks! Just bring a side dish to share.

The plan is to get together and hang out, let the kids play and discuss upcoming events, including the Annual Single Parent Support Day in August at the Smoky Hill Vineyard Church.

So come one come all!

Please call Tamara Gaffney for directions if you do not have access to MapQuest. Her cell is (303) 204-2645.
You can also reach me at (720) 364-3328.


PS: SHV Rocks!

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