Some things never change. Mommas wanting answers to help guide their (smarter than the average bear)youngsters onto the right path (over the mountain instead of circling it). We get some serious calls for advice here: "She is graduating and she wants to do *something* that will make a difference, innovative, creative". Don't you just love the confidence? "No, we have not decided on a final college (we can afford) yet, however, we have sent a ton of application fees to various colleges." " John has been recruited out of a mediocre engineering College and is making good money, maybe engineering is what I am leaning towards". "My girl friends dad is making a lot of money working with computers. I can do that."
Admissions is offering tests to see what you are best suited for if you have not honed in on a specific subject. Few kids had exposure and experience to make a definite decision. What would you be happy doing (and making money to support yourself in the process)?
For single parent families it makes sense to get the electives out of the way in an accredited Community College while living at home and then moving on to get your degree from a name College. Apply for scholarships and internships to see if what you want is really what YOU want.
Trying and failing is life and not the end of the world. You just moved a step closer to your goal of passing a test. Congratulations! Never let fear of failure intimidate you.
Mommas, take a chill pill. In the long run your money is not wasted. Your child is defining him/herself.
Little bonus:
My daughter graduated from a private East Cost College. She worked full time, went to school full time, paid off her student loan. She moved back home for a while to go to.......Beauty College! She had the highest IQ in the history of her School when she was promoted to the gifted program. I was speechless, but supported her decision in the hopes she would have a lot of kids and charitable events to use her new found skill.
When I asked her why. She said she did College for me, because that's what I wanted for her. She is doing the Beauty College for her, just to be sure.
She turned out AMAZING.
Admissions is offering tests to see what you are best suited for if you have not honed in on a specific subject. Few kids had exposure and experience to make a definite decision. What would you be happy doing (and making money to support yourself in the process)?
For single parent families it makes sense to get the electives out of the way in an accredited Community College while living at home and then moving on to get your degree from a name College. Apply for scholarships and internships to see if what you want is really what YOU want.
Trying and failing is life and not the end of the world. You just moved a step closer to your goal of passing a test. Congratulations! Never let fear of failure intimidate you.
Mommas, take a chill pill. In the long run your money is not wasted. Your child is defining him/herself.
Little bonus:
My daughter graduated from a private East Cost College. She worked full time, went to school full time, paid off her student loan. She moved back home for a while to go to.......Beauty College! She had the highest IQ in the history of her School when she was promoted to the gifted program. I was speechless, but supported her decision in the hopes she would have a lot of kids and charitable events to use her new found skill.
When I asked her why. She said she did College for me, because that's what I wanted for her. She is doing the Beauty College for her, just to be sure.
She turned out AMAZING.
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