Thursday, June 2, 2016

PTSD not just in Veterans

It does not have to be the designated DV awareness month to hear more and more horrific stories about women, not exclusively veterans, PTSD.
When a woman needs to talk about what she is going through, she is usually just days, minutes, or moments away from serious harm. I have seen and heard of too many situations where she was told to "get over it", "that's in the past", "fear is the opposite of faith", 'everyone has problems", "she is making it up, he is such a wonderful (military) man", "we are sick and tired of hearing that story again", "there is nothing we can do about it now, we can not un-rape you", "if you are negative, I will not speak to you again" etc.
That is victim-shaming! What we hear is: help, help, please help. Some of these women are frozen in fear (panic attack), they are mocked by the predator when he sees them shaking: "do you need a drink?" When they have no place to go: "do you have Stockholm syndrome?" "You are so unstable, assertive one minute, and acquiescent the next" and the meanest of all, cruelty, abuse to their kids.

Speak up! Get out! No contact!

the links below may be the first step to  regain sanity.

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