Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 to the *gl*itter end

To summarize the best of 2015 for CALL MOM into a short paragraph is always a challenge and exciting because of endless opportunities and victories.
We usually start with a bleak issue. As we dismantle barriers and stigmas towards the light at the end of the tunnel, we plant our flag and stake our territory.
The evolution of several projects recorded in the blog don't do the partnering with many  charitable individuals justice. The evolution of emotional stability when somebody cares enough to listen with respect is the vital human connection you can not get by referring someone to a website, dismissive advice, or hand them a book to read.

A gift and a challenge for you to engage in 2016.

A single, military mom, had to relinquish custody of her daughter to her ex-husband when she deployed. She had the fight of her life to be reunited with her daughter when her ex argued in court that he could offer a more stable environment.
 Reach out! Stand with her.

A 18 year old who aged out of Foster Care wanted a family.
Reach out! Mentor her/him.

On New Years eve a 21 year old mom was left with 5 babies so her friends could get a (financial) break and have fun.
 Reach out! Integrate the vulnerable around you to offer non -judgmental support.

Moms, don't wait until the knot at the end of your, or your friends rope frays and causes you to free-fall. Reach out!
Text, email, call. Be pro-active. There is no shame in being authentic and needing help on occasion.

We DO get it.

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