Thursday, October 3, 2013

October, Domestic Violence Month

Several people asked if I had any comments.

Not wanting to re-enact, re-live, or re-visit the horrific actions of perpetrators on their victims, I initially said no.

Silence is not only consent silence is spineless, it puts me on the same level as the perpetrator.

Where do I begin?

The most vivid memory is that of a recorded message. A woman yelling: "shut up, shut up, shut up, shut the f up. Shut up, if you have nothing positive to say, shut up, shut up, shut up". Preceding every shut up was a man trying to say something, cut short by a shut up from the woman.

The man's attorney, the man's sympathetic family, and anyone who would listen to the secretly staged entrapment declared the woman a complete nut-job, volatile, threatening, and ready to be committed to a mental ward.

This is what I heard
.... a woman emotionally raped with verbal abuse. A woman terrorized by her attacker.

I also saw her body, beaten by that monster, too weak to walk. He finished her verbally, vomited, and spit insults on her with the “atta boy” from his ignorant lynch mob, who cheered him on, to "get away from the controlling fangs of that snake” who did not acquiesce to her husband's serial cheating, drugs, and porn.

You would not let anyone do this to your mother, daughter, sister, friend, any woman.

Speak out!

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