Tuesday, July 31, 2012

School Supplies

Every year we ask parents to nominate a School we can bless with "extras" for the kids that can not have all supplies ready when School starts.  Each year we want to contribute and refine the process. We had several nominees and several very good suggestions.

A single mom, who is also a school secretary, suggested that the School gives a plug at any of the parent days to drop donations into a box located at the office to keep it local or to go to a Office Max or your local grocery store that facilitates wholesale supplies to nominated Schools. That would certainly spread it around a little.

We also suggest to donate Book Fair coupons (money) for kids that would love to have a book of their own.
Mentoring for reading and math has been successful. We need longer commitments from mentors.

If you are a blog reader (waving, smiling) we love you! Let us know how you can help.
If you are a single parent (waving, smiling) we love you! Let us know how we can help.

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