Saturday, June 6, 2009


National Campaigns
What's $1.00 minus .78 cents?
It's the difference between your salary and the salary of your male counterparts. If you're a woman of color, you can subtract at least an additional 10 cents, and for single mothers you can take away even more. Seem fair? We don't think so either. Working together we can close the wage gaps.
Tell your Senators to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act
One out of 50 children is Homeless! Keep Families in their Homes!
Tell your Senators to pass the "Helping Families Save Their Homes in Bankruptcy Act" which will both help homeless children and our economy.
Send a letter to your Senators now!
Next Up: Economic Recovery for Families, Not Just Banks!
The Senate is getting ready to vote on an economic recovery package that has a number of key provisions that would directly help moms and their families.
Tell your Senators that families must be at the center of our nation's economic recovery!
11 million children thank you!
President Obama signed into law an expanded State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). We've tasted success and we want more! Tell Congress: Thank you for putting our kids first! Now, let's move on to broader health reform to make sure that all kids and adults are covered.

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