If you missed a Thanksgiving box last Saturday at the Jeffco Action Center - here is another opportunity: "We at Rosa Linda's Mexican Café would like to notify those who are alone for the holidays or in need that on this day tummies should be full and hearts should not be alone," said Virgilio and Rosa Linda Aguirre. "This is our way to thank our community for the support that we have had throughout the years." It is highly recommended that able bodied families make an effort to come to the restaurant for the dinner. Volunteers will be delivering food to elderly families only. Patience is urged and requested.
All food donations will be accepted at Rosa Linda’s Mexican Café Monday thru Saturday 10 AM-9 PM. Volunteers are urged to look around their neighborhood and surrounding area and make contact with somebody who may need a warm meal and a little company on Thanksgiving Day.
For more information feel free to call (303) 455-0608 or email the family.
The Have a Heart Project and the Hyland Hills Restaurant and Don Ciancio family are providing 450 people with a free Thanksgiving Dinner. Don Ciancio Sr passed away this fall and he had always wanted to host a holiday meal for the Have a Heart families. His family has taken on this project for this Thanksgiving. Providing 450 who need a little extra help for the holidays with a FREE thanksgiving meals. Turkey, potatoes, pumpkin pie and all the trimmings.
What a generous gift from the Ciancio family to the community.
Thank you to all the generous friends in the community who have donated money and their time to this project.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!