Monday, December 29, 2008

Denver Art Museum

Kids are Free During Winter Break at the DAM
Kids under 18 receive free admission to the Denver Art Museum during Winter Break. Special activities include Not a Bag - where kids to take paper bags and turn them into imaginative paper sculptures, live demonstrations of stone sculpting techniques in Houdon from the Louvre, Navajo weaving and Egyptian flower collar crafts, the opportunity to play dress-up with Western wear or Old English costumes, and special Family Backpack adventures around the museum.

Farewell 2008

2008 year was a year of regrouping. Many people I know, that are truly Christians, were tested beyond anything they ever had to go through until it was blind faith. A lot of pain and hardship emotionally, physically and spiritually. For 2009 it's "accommodate growth"

The blessings and peace were there as well. God let us know that He was in it with us. I guess "on earth as it is in heaven" would be a good prayer after last years total surrender to His will.

Love you all,

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

the dog you feed....

Foster high morale(and morals), be deliberately positive and remain hopeful. Fear freezes that keep you stuck, resulting in inaction. Take steps to overcome doubts, limiting beliefs and insecurities that might hold you back. Watch out for self-fulfilling prophecies.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

more help?

3651 S. Colorado Blvd, Denver 303.375.6088
Services: food pantry, clothing bank, dental, medical and haircuts

emergency help

AURORA INTER CHURCH TASK FORCE 1553 Clinton Av, Aurora 303.360.0260
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
ELIGIBILITY: Aurora residents
Services: food pantry, emergency food, rental assistance, utilities assistance, bus tokens, gas vouchers, clothing bank, furniture bank, medication, assistance with housing, utilities assistance

around and about in Parker?


The Town of Parker will present the Parker Christmas Carriage Parade on Saturday, Dec. 13. Santa will arrive at noon and will be available for pictures in Ruth’s Chapel located next to the Mainstreet Center. Pony rides and a petting zoo will also be available for your family’s enjoyment.

while you are out and about....


November 28 - December 24, 2008

Customers can visit Santa for $2.00 in the Clock Tower Friday's & Sunday's from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. & Saturday's from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Children will receive their photo with Santa, coloring book and reindeer antlers! Holiday photo packages are also available.

Charles Dickenson Carolers
November 28 - December 24, 2008

Enjoy traditional holiday music as you stroll through Main Street. Hear the Charles Dickenson quartet as they perform Saturdays & Sundays from Noon to 6:00 p.m.

Menorah Lighting
Sunday, December 28 5:00 p.m.

Bring your family to enjoy our third annual menorah lighting at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Square. Attendants will enjoy live music, free food and beverages.

Ice Skating on The Pond
November 20 - March 8, 2009

Friday, December 5, 2008

job seekers

We had many calls for jobs due to the economy. We had good success with the following:

Colorado Workforce Center:

5500 S. Quebec St. Suite 175; Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Phone 303-636-1160. Fax: 303-636-1250

HELPLINE - 303 433-8383 free, confidential information and referrals; M – F, 8 – 5
HELP FOR HARD TIMES – an online resource for individuals experiencing financial difficulties. How to budget. Handling your credit. Employment counseling. Legal services. Managing utility payments. Food. Housing. Temporary employment. Medical care.

Other resources available upon request by email.